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Here, you can find how to configure the plugin server.

All configuration is done through environment variables. During the development, you can set them in the .env file at the root of the project. By default, the .env file is added to the .gitignore file of the plugin repository, so it won't be committed to the repository.

Environment variables


Required: Yes.

The URL of the plugin server. This is a public URL where the plugin server is available. It is required by the OpenAPI spec to work properly.


Required: Yes.

The API key that the plugin server will use to validate incoming requests.


Required: No.

Default: STANDARD.

The hosting mode adjusts the behavior of the plugin server to the specific environment where it is running.

Available values:

  • STANDARD - Use this mode to run the plugin server as a standalone application or in a container.
  • AWS_LAMBDA - Use this mode to run the plugin server in AWS Lambda.


Required: Depends on the configuration parameter validation rules in the plugin definition.

Use this environment variable to set the value of a configuration parameter of the plugin.

Replace the <configurationParameterKey> with the key of the configuration parameter from the plugin definition. For example, if the plugin definition has a configuration parameter with the key emailAdress, you would set the environment variable CONFIG_emailAdress to the value you want to use. Then, the plugin server passes this value to the plugin and its actions. So you can access it in the action handler from the action context object:

async function actionHandler(context: ActionContext): Promise<OutputObject> {
// This will print the value of the CONFIG_emailAdress environment variable

return {};