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connery dev init

Create all the necessary files and folders to start developing a new plugin.

Run this command at the root of your project. You will be asked a few questions to configure the plugin, and then the CLI will create all the necessary files and configurations for the plugin.

npx connery@latest dev init

The newly initialized plugin is fully functional. Its entry point is the ./src/index.ts file, which contains the plugin definition. Also, you can find the sample action defined in the ./src/actions/sampleAction.ts file. The sample action sums up two numbers and returns the result. It is a good starting point for exploring and experimenting with the plugin. Remove the sample action when you don't need it anymore.

The command also creates a .env file with the default configuration for the plugin server. This file is added to the .gitignore file to prevent it from being committed to the repository. We recommend changing the default values in the .env to your own values.